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The key to our immune system and to a better life: Food order.

The acid-alkaline or acid-base balance of the body
is a rule to know for the health of our
This balance is a fundamental law for the life of warm-blooded living beings.
To protect a warm-blooded organism, the immune system should be
much larger than it is. A larger immune system would require
a larger organism to carry it and so on. So, life has solved the problem
agreements or contracts with microorganisms that live with and in us, in perfect harmony, as is the case with certain mites that maintain our bodies.
certain mites that maintain our skin or bronchial tubes, and yeasts that are the main immunological
the main immunological tool of the muscles, etc.
To do this, and to maintain this harmony between all, the organism has simple concepts,
among others, the acid-alkaline balance of the body. The blood and the organs are slightly more alkaline than other
alkaline than the other more acidic tissues. This difference in pH in the different tissues is what keeps each in its place and keeps the body in balance,
what keeps each in its place and in the correct population concentrations.
Understanding this harmony and respecting it, allows everyone to prevent or relieve many
many problems.
The unbalancing factors of the “acid-alkaline balance” of the body can be of various origins, both emotional and bio
emotional, biochemical, chemical and/or dietary.
Behavioural imbalances such as hatred, anger, fear, or/and natural hormonal
hormonal imbalances as well as the chemical, synthetic and metallic bases of modern
of modern life, as well as certain foods. But more than that, the order of
ingestion of food, are multiple blood acidifying factors, which will result in internal
internal disharmony.
The means to promote this acid-alkaline balance, are multiple existing in the form
in the body. Physiological mechanisms will restore the blood pH following
digestion, antioxidants serve among other things to control the biochemical bases,
chemical, synthetic and metallic bases in the body. A healthy emotional life in
with our environment and a balanced diet are all beneficial to our well-being.
to our well-being.
Here we will focus on the dietary order, a factor that directly affects digestion and through it the
directly on digestion and through it on our emotional balance and the organic state of our
and the organic state of our tissues.
We will begin with an understanding of the mechanics of digestion.
Water and sugars are absorbed in the first or small intestine. Vitamins in the duodenum
duodenum and the first intestine, fats are exposed to bile in the same environment.
Proteins are broken down in the stomach by gastric juices into simple chains of amino acids
of amino acids and other simple elements.
So simply on these precepts, dessert or fruit is eaten as an aperitif, when the
the stomach is empty. If you eat sugar, during the meal or at the end of the meal, everything will ferment
stomach (acids, plus heat, plus moisture) and will arrive fermented in the small intestine.
small intestine. Now eat a chocolate cake, cream or fruit as an appetizer,
the stomach knowing that it is not for him, will facilitate the transit directly to the small intestine
where fats, sugars, water and vitamins are expected.
Potatoes are digested by a salivary substance called ptyalin, so even mashed potatoes must be chewed to be digested.
mashed potatoes must be chewed to be digested.
The stomach, despite its apparent simplicity, is a very complex organism, capable of handling up to four
to handle up to four different juices in a single digestion, from acid to alkaline, but is limited in certain
limited in certain actions, such as processing two or more different sources of animal protein in the same
animal proteins in the same meal, e.g. cheese with egg, meat with fish, dairy with meat, etc.
meat, etc. Very wise knowledge, which continues as a pillar in Judaism among other
It is also very difficult for the body to work on two or more cereals in the same day.
day. The digestive requirements for a cereal are such that it is difficult for the organism
to produce all the enzymes and other different mechanisms for such a task. The same is true for
assimilation of Omega 3, which must be from one source, two oils and the
and the complexity of the digestive process is such that the body gives up, and everything ends up in the
abdicates, and everything ends up fermented. Nuts are particularly rich and complex, and
require the body’s full attention to process.
The stomach empties almost instantly in the presence of melon or watermelon, and it takes 800
times more acid molecules are needed to digest raw ham than salad. So
ham … and with melon! The stomach empties itself by sending them directly to the
small intestine, but… and the acids… Well, when they arrive the stomach is empty, then you hear “I have
heartburn”. As for the ham, it ferments in the intestine without having been prepared
by the gastric juices.
Thus, traditionally, we perpetuate great aberrations, only by habit.
Our modern society, in addition to confronting us with ever more intense atmospheric pollution and ever richer
pollution, which is increasingly rich in new particles unknown to the organism, offers us a whole range of chemical
offers us a whole range of chemical agents in food and water.
This same society offers us a diversity of foodstuffs that has certainly never been equalled. When
we know that it takes several, even hundreds of generations for the body to develop all the
to develop all the digestive mechanisms of a new food. Add to this the physiological restrictions of the
physiological restrictions of the stomach (listed above) and we find ourselves faced with a fragile population
fragile, full of rheumatism, arthrosis, allergies, asthma, arthritis, sclerosis,
hold! But these are only autoimmune problems?
To this list of factors that acidify the blood system, we can add foods that could be classified as pro-inflammatory.
could be classified as pro-inflammatory. Foods that maintain the acidic state of the blood after
digestion or which acidify the blood directly by their composition:
Cooked or raw tomatoes, cooked spinach and chard, …
Black tea, coffee, alcohol, sodas, vinegars (all except cider), …
Sugar, in all its forms and in any food, …
Pork and all its variants, meats, cold cuts, ….
Now other factors that acidify the body:
Tobacco, perfume from large-scale distribution,
Solvents, petrol, paints, varnishes, welding, plastics, resins, fertilisers, pesticides,
insecticides, fungicides, …
And other disruptors of a certain balance of the body, for various reasons:
Beef products, meat, but even more so, milk and cheese of all kinds, cause, among other things, brain allergy.
all kinds of cheeses, causes, among other things, cerebral allergy, arthritis, and would be responsible for many cancers or at least their
or at least their engines.
Soya, a fashion that is very expensive, in addition to being one of the legumes that provides the most
oxalic acid (uric acid), soy is said to be responsible for thyroid disorders. It is a
modern food in the human diet, a fashion that comes to us from the USA, which was
consumed in Asia only fermented, as in real soy sauce or miso.
Another common misconception:
Fat makes you fat, it is eating unbalanced that makes you fat. The accumulation of
Fat accumulation is primarily due to an imbalance in food intake. The tissues of the
The tissues of the human body and their need for protein are made up of 20 amino acids
which we find in food. From these 20 amino acids (in addition to minerals and metals) we all make
and metals) we build all our tissues and produce all our fuels. Of the 20
amino acids, 8 are essential we cannot produce them, the other 12 are non-essential because in their absence we synthesise them.
essential because in their absence we synthesise them. A diet deficient in certain
amino acids, causes the body to produce fractions of the proteins it needs, and stores them in the form of
and stores them in the form of fat while waiting for new supplies of essential amino acids to
to finish the job of assimilation.
So diversifying your diet may be more effective than a drastic diet for losing
Cholesterol, ah! That famous fat, well no! It’s calcium with barely 3% lipid.
And it’s not fat that clogs the bloodstream, it’s calcium that hardens it.
The latter reduces the flow of blood, which forces the body to raise the blood pressure
to maintain the supply of oxygen and food to the heart, among other things, and thus cover its
necessities. The development of micro-organisms in the limestone on the walls of the bloodstream is called
bloodstream is called arteriosclerosis.
Why a food order?
Very briefly, a first approach to one of our main organic foundations, the
digestion. The stomach transforms proteins, then comes the bile, for lipids, then the
duodenum with the absorption of vitamins, the first intestine for the preparation of
acids, water, absorption of carbohydrates (sugar), and the large intestine absorption of gastric juices and
of gastric juices and regulation of moisture in faeces.
So if we take a closer look at our modern way of eating, we soon realise that
that we eat in a digestive disorder. Leading to indigestion with each of our
The digestive order would be, dessert (sugar, water, vitamins, fat) followed by cheese (fat,
minerals), a little water to evacuate the stomach and finally the proteins which alone will be
processed without fermentation or other alterations by the stomach juices. The raw vegetables come first,
as they are prepared at the bottom of the stomach, followed by the cooked food, which finishes the meal.
-Green tea with two drops of fresh lemon
(Deoxidises the first intestine or small intestine)
-One animal protein plus one plant protein
(To ensure a variety of amino acids)
-Dessert as an appetizer (Absorption or digestion of sugars, fats, water and vitamins in the
small intestine)
-A piece of raw fennel (Helps to restore the blood pH faster at the end of the digestion process)
-One animal protein plus one plant protein
Avoid desserts, otherwise let it be as an appetizer
A piece of raw fennel
As frugal and simple as possible.
For a better sleep and recovery, it is recommended not to consume sugar after 4pm, unless you are
after 4 p.m., unless you are intellectually active.
Water should be consumed between or before meals.
A dietary order, alkalinising
Green tea with two drops of fresh lemon or frozen lemon; Grate a teaspoon into a little warm water.
a little warm water (preferably cut up an organic lemon and freeze it)
Omega3 (one to two teaspoons, flax, sunflower, rapeseed, hemp, pumpkin seed…)
One animal protein plus one plant protein
Two hours after breakfast:
One citric, (orange or tangerine or grapefruit)
Lunchtime :
Dessert as an aperitif
A piece of raw fennel
One animal protein plus one plant protein
Avoid desserts, otherwise let it be as an appetizer
A piece of raw fennel
As frugal and simple as possible.
In addition, follow the diet guidelines for certain diseases.
Example of a complete breakfast:
One animal protein + one plant protein
Fish, meat, egg + legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas,
lentils) + bread
And regenerative:
One protein of animal origin + one protein of vegetable origin + Omega3
Goat’s or sheep’s cheese + spirulina + extra virgin linseed oil
extra virgin flaxseed oil
This text is the result of a compilation of 20 years of knowledge learned
and empirical knowledge and from practising alternative medicine during these same years.
alternative medicine. This text is a first draft that will be followed by a more in-depth study of each point
of each of the points described and supported by the sources that this succession of
statements that are very much at odds with the medical and legal policies of our
society. Let’s hear it.
Necessities of the organism covered by food :
Water, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, trace elements, metals, fibres
or microfibre.
To function, the body finds all these elements in food. But it does not
But it does not find them ready-made, except that it must prepare them, hence the complexity of the digestive system.
Among the elements that the body has to work on the most, we find proteins.
These are made from amino acids, and it takes 20 different amino acids to make the more than 600 proteins needed to make
to make the more than 600 proteins that the body needs. These amino acids are divided into
two classes, essential and non-essential, the former being provided by food,
the latter can be manufactured if their presence is lacking in food.
Carbohydrates (sugars) come from several classes depending on their origin: white
white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, come from sugar cane or sugar beet, are
sugar beet, are fast sugars and very strong in energy production. Honey contains, in addition to
glucose and fructose, many nutrients whose virtues have been praised for hundreds of years.
for hundreds of years. The sugars in fruit, vegetables, cereals and legumes are
assimilated more slowly.
The difference between these sugars is their calorific value (energy production). The
mitochondria are organelles, bacteria that live in cells at a rate of,
200,000 to 2,400,000 per cell. They convert carbohydrates (sugar) into
electrical energy. To do this, the sugar must accompany or be associated with certain
proteins, the sugar will be converted into caramel and the protein into ash, which will prevent the caramel from sticking and can be removed from the
The sugar will be converted into caramel and the protein into ash, which will prevent the caramel from sticking and will be able to be evacuated from the cells, then from the connective tissues and finally from the intestines. A
lack of protein and the caramel sticks, if you add a strong sugar and/or a lot of chemical substances, it is easy to understand
If you add strong sugar and/or a lot of chemicals, it is easy to understand the problems that can be developed.
Another unspoken fact is that the pancreas does not simply produce insulin, but more importantly
glucagon which allows the body to produce energy from fat, the body’s true form of energy.
the body’s real form of energy. Sugar is only a recent addition to the human diet.
human diet.
Cellular inflammation, diabetes, premature ageing, can be the result.
The body uses very little energy, the most demanding organ is the brain.
any excess in the production of energy will be transformed into thought to be spent and thus avoid
Any excess in energy production will be transformed into thought to be spent and thus avoid the organism overheating because of this excess of “electrical” energy (ATP). And this is
And this is how we become hyperactive, insomniac, etc.
Sugar is a bit like fossil fuels, there are different ones with different explosive values.
different explosive values. Heavy fuel oil, heating oil, petrol, super and paraffin are all fuels, their differences
their differences lie in their proprieties or explosive powers. For
carbohydrates, it is the same. Refined sugar, unrefined sugar, sucrose, glucose, starch
or fructose, in addition to their difference in energy production, will be fast or slow in their
Hence the importance of recognising the foods, for a complete and harmonious supply.
harmonious supply.